Money has been spent in vain, and it seems that huge amounts of money are just about to be spent. Putin and his government spareView More
Category: TALKS
American fire safety measures
There is a lot of symbolism in the fact that it was Frank Wisner who recently called on the Kosovo authorities to stop waiting forView More
Sanna Marin – a victory of common sense
The worst thing that could happen now, after all the attacks on her and the tears she’s shed is for Sanna Marin to succumb toView More
Six months of Ukrainian glory
At the end of February, the Kremlin was convinced that, bylate summer, they would have largely conquered and changed Ukraine. That at the end of August teachers inView More
Russian-Korean blood brotherhood
Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un corresponded on the occasion of the North Korean national holiday. They exchanged warm and friendly messages, much more than the sterile messages that statesmenView More
Waking up on a Crimean beach
Churchill and Roosevelt landed on the Crimean airfield during the war, in February 1945, from where they drove to nearby Yalta to negotiate with StalinView More
Dr Orhan Dragaš: Russia’s strong hybrid operation against Serbia
Russia knows very well that installing some of its military or intelligence bases in Serbia is absolutely impossible, but it raises the topic anyway. TheyView More
Applying makeup on Russia’s economic ruin
The Russian central bank has printed a new hundred-ruble banknote, but banks have asked that it not be put into circulation at least until April.View More
Indecisiveness is weakness
If after several major changes of government in Serbia there is at least one constant, which is passed from hand to hand like a baton,View More
Today in Mariupol, tomorrow in your city!
One of the most famous sentences in literature is “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”, with whichView More