• Kaja Kallas will make European policy towards Russia more courageous
    The Europeans have agreed on a new “triumvirate” to lead the EU over the next four years: Ursula von der Leyen as head of the EU “government,” former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa as head of the European Council, and … Read more
  • Serbia’s support for Ukraine is neither accidental nor temporary
    Russia did everything it could to make the peace conference on Ukraine in Switzerland pointless and sabotage it. It invested everything it had of the little remaining international credit to make the conference in Bürgenstock resort a failure. The desperate … Read more
  • The irreplaceable role of the First Ladies in relations between Serbia and Ukraine
    For a long time, rigid political leaders and bureaucrats have not been the only ones engaging in diplomacy and critical intergovernmental affairs, and it is a good thing that this has been the case. Mrs Olena Zelenska visited Belgrade during … Read more
  • Serbia and Ukraine are much closer than it seems
    For some reason, the news that Serbia sent Ukraine financial aid of $32.4 million in March did not provoke much interest in both countries. Several Ukrainian portals reported this confirmation from the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance, obtained by the Liga … Read more
  • It is time for an Eastern European to lead NATO – in four years, it might be too late
    You probably have a young colleague who is creative, hardworking, passionate and loyal to the team and who, by all accounts, deserves to reach the C-suite in the organisation where you work. However, you must have often witnessed the obstacles … Read more
  • Serbia defends itself in San Francisco
    The most significant political meeting this year took place last Wednesday. The presidents of the US and China, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping, talked for four hours in San Francisco. They have not met for a year. During that time, … Read more
  • Serbia needs to leave China’s Belt and Road
    At the last G20 summit in India, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni informed the Chinese leadership that her country would be leaving the Belt and Road Initiative with China by the end of the year. “It is an awful project. … Read more
  • Ukraine is Serbia’s true friend – What about Russia?
    Ukraine has never done anything against Serbia, nor has Serbia done anything against Ukraine – this statement by President Aleksandar Vučić after the meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky in Athens should represent a direction for Serbia to properly navigate complicated international affairs where it has found itself … Read more
  • Serbia must not be Putin’s accomplice – a difficult decision that is easy to make
    The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, recently said there are no sanctions against Russia because 85% of Serbian citizens support and love Russia. Is this policy of the Western Balkans’ largest country sustainable in light of Russia’s exclusion from the … Read more
  • Fast track past historical misconceptions
    The section of the road from Kosovo to Niš was, until recently, a nightmare for Albanians during vacations and large migrations of visiting workers. Along with the risky driving and winding road, there were occasionally actual issues brought on by … Read more
  • The renegade club
    The stage was properly set up. At Pyongyang airport, Sergei Shoigu, a construction contractor without a day of military experience, assumed the role of a military leader and greeted Kim Jong Un’s soldiers waiting in line in his honour. In … Read more
  • An incurable fear in the Kremlin
    When the International Criminal Court indicted Vladimir Putin and issued an international arrest warrant last March, the Kremlin issued an order to talk about it with contempt, and a few additional insults did not hurt. Who has dared to prosecute … Read more
  • Russia is the biggest victim of its own lies
    Moscow will again analyse and conclude and then adopt some measures, all regarding the decisions of the NATO summit in Lithuania this week. For the most part they will be determined and sharp, as before. The same announcements followed after … Read more
  • Serbia in BRICS? No, thank you!
    Russia always knows what is better for Serbia, and it knows this better than Serbia. Serbia thinks it is best to join the European Union and has signed agreements, but Moscow does not give up on explaining that this is … Read more
  • Russia’s collapse before the eyes of supporters in Serbia
    Russia has changed. In the past, it took months and sometimes even years to discover that purges, rebellions and coups had taken place in Moscow, and now we follow them live. It was much easier for our Russophiles before. They … Read more
  • Moldova defends its freedom – What about Serbia?
    To ban a political party, as recently in Moldova, is not something that frequently happens in Europe. It is even more unusual for state authorities to ban a political party with representatives in the parliament. This happened to the Shor … Read more
  • Moscow’s Monument to the Criminal
    It is a good thing the discussion about raising a monument to Slobodan Milosevic has ended. There it is in Moscow, so anyone who wants to pay tribute to him for all he has done can go on a pilgrimage … Read more
  • Russia is unhappy because of changed Serbia
    All appeared perfect between Kosovo and the US in Skanderbeg Square in Pristina two weeks ago. There was a ceremony to mark a large-scale military exercise Defender Europe, where as many as 7,000 US soldiers were supposed to participate. The … Read more
  • Sanctions on common sense
    This week marks 31 years since the UN Security Council imposed sanctions on Serbia and Montenegro, thus hermetically sealing off the country, leaving its survival to human endurance, smuggling, and looting. Instead of admitting the mistake and trying to fix … Read more
  • The mystery of traditional values
    The families of three students and three adults killed at a Christian school in Nashville don’t care about the beliefs of the 28-year-old girl who took the lives of their loved ones in one of the latest assassinations in US … Read more